Author Archives: Vic Cherikoff

About Vic Cherikoff

My passion is for Australian wild foods and their outstanding nutritional value and flavors. One of my companies supplies chefs, manufacturers and foodies with wild food ingredients as we slowly develop a uniquely Australian cuisine based on these incredible foods. I also market and promote a natural antimicrobial (Herbal-Active) for food and cosmetic uses, a fruit and vegetable dipping solution called Fresher4Longer and which extends the shelf life of fresh produce (and a lot more). And I invented flavor-infused BBQ Skewers which are a great way to add delightful seasonings to anything you grill. Learn more at Another company of mine markets and promoters a nutritional beverage based on Australian wild foods. I am about to launch a crowd-funding proposal to take this product global so please subscribe at and I'll keep you updated. It will be the biggest thing for your ideal health around.

The way to make a billion dollars is to help a billion people

This blog is about Moonshot thinking. It is about the mindset you need to have in order to do something in your life that changes the world (for the better that is). Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler in their book … Continue reading

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Are You Working Your Plan?

Inertia. Procrastination. Over-whelm. Excuses. These are common emotions for all of us but you can choose to be a leader or a follower. Leaders get over negative emotions and an easy way to do this is to be pro-active in … Continue reading

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Inviting People to Help Themselves

I can never say enough about inviting others to take a look at your primary business opportunity. Remembering that you are looking for a highly motivated team of like-minded people, it makes sense to choose wisely. Don’t ask the wood … Continue reading

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Something old, something new

Hold the phone. Hang on a bit. As Bob Dylan said, “the times they are a’changing”. I am in the process of moving my unique nutritional product to a new MLM home and at the same time I have been … Continue reading

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Smart entrepreneurs have skills, a strategy and a system

Everybody knows that it is worth regularly analyzing your part-time, home based business, your skill set and the systems that you use to build a growing, residual income. Isn’t it interesting that people will say; I would love to …(add … Continue reading

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The real cost of an education

Here’s something interesting from Big Al’s training: You might be talking to a prospect about starting their own business as a way for them to achieve their stated goals in life. In Australia we spend a few years in Infant … Continue reading

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Limiting beliefs – find a way or find an excuse

This blog is about network marketing but whereas I usually do not mention my primary opportunity I will make reference to it here: You might guess that while I am passionate about our Kakadu business, I see huge value in … Continue reading

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The perfect time for network marketing is now

Well we made it. A New Year with all it promises. I hope that Santa brought you what you most wanted and that you are now ready to embrace your network marketing opportunity and change your life financially, health-wise and … Continue reading

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Connecting in Network Marketing

With another year done and dusted perhaps it is a good time to look back on our achievements and plan for a better 2013 than last year. Even if you have just lived through an awesome year. We are programmed … Continue reading

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Re-thinking your future – job or boss?

I recently responded to a request for information on writing resumés for job applications for those people who see the New Year as a reason to change jobs. The journalist targeted Uni or College students about to enter the workforce … Continue reading

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Getting Started in Network Marketing

I have been analyzing what we can say to those people we meet and who might be perfect for our business opportunity. Many new Distributors try to sell the product as they would in a traditional retail business and so … Continue reading

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10 Ways to Kill Your Network Marketing Opportunity

This is a terrific article which needs to be read by anyone in network marketing. There are also a heap of good articles at the site that I urge anyone in the industry to read. Having made the link above … Continue reading

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Prospecting Your Way to Wealth

Generating prospects is one of the key steps to creating success in your business. The more leads you find or the larger your database, the more people who are aware of your opportunity. This is a relationship building business. Experienced, … Continue reading

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Do You Need Motivation or Inspiration to Succeed?

Any networker with a few people in their downline will one day wonder what it takes to get some people to recognize that they only have a short time on this planet and just one time around. Imagine lying on … Continue reading

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Network Marketing – Systems Make It Easy

Are you struggling with your network marketing business? Does it all seem too hard to get started? Do you love the product but apart from a few recommendations, are you just making pocket money and not even covering the product … Continue reading

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Inspirational video which might just change your life

Uncle Ray (Higdon) from MLSP posted an awesome video recently. It’s all inspirational and motivational and I highly recommend watching it. I was standing on my sofa and cheering and hollering. (Well. Almost.) Wasn’t that great? He’s right on the … Continue reading

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Own Your Own Life – Network your Way to Wealth

If you don’t have time, money and health then you don’t have a life. I recently discovered Don and Nancy Failla’s great online service for networkers. Have a look at this link. The interesting shift in my recent success is … Continue reading

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The 45 Second Presentation – the Keys to Network marketing

A long time ago, I heard the adage that when the student is ready, the master will appear. Now maybe this is just the fact that reading lots, meeting other professional networkers and listening to interviews etc eventually leads to … Continue reading

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Hunting and Gathering Yesterday, Network Marketing Today

For something different for this blog, I would like to compare work today with the lifestyles of our hunter-gatherer past. I have foraged extensively with Aborigines across many remote regions of Australia and so can comment with some authority. Foraging … Continue reading

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Looking for Leaders – define your target well

I can never say enough about inviting others to take a look at your primary business opportunity but who you choose to invite is really important. Remembering that you are looking for a small but highly motivated team of like-minded … Continue reading

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The 3 Horsemen of Creation: Uncertainty, Risk and Exposure to Criticism

Today I read about the metaphor of three psychic Horsemen of Creativity: Uncertainty, Risk and Exposure to Criticism. Creativity meets these horsemen as a necessity of the creative act and it occurred to me that there is value in considering … Continue reading

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Small Steps to Big Outcomes

I know a lot of people are struggling with their lives at the moment. Finances are tight and this can have an impact on relationships, personal fulfilment and health and leads to frustration and stress. You dread each coming month … Continue reading

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Life is often about ….. Timing

I read and recommend The Daily Reckoning (see link at the end of this page) by Dan Denning of Port Philip Publishing and recently he addressed some real questions on why people fail to act when doing nothing can severely … Continue reading

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Here’s a social media platform that pays you for building community

Network marketers network. Sorry for stating the blatantly obvious but I wanted to present some thoughts on how we network and how we expand our reach. So this blog is about lead generation. Advertisement———————————————————————————————————————————————————— I recently investigated a new and … Continue reading

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Building a Big Business … One Step at a Time

The title of this blog comes from an article by Master Networker, Randy Gage and which appeared as a feature in a 1998 edition of Upline magazine. It’s still a good idea. Randy had an interesting strategy which he applied … Continue reading

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