The 3 Horsemen of Creation: Uncertainty, Risk and Exposure to Criticism

Today I read about the metaphor of three psychic Horsemen of Creativity: Uncertainty, Risk and Exposure to Criticism.

Three Horsemen of CreativityCreativity meets these horsemen as a necessity of the creative act and it occurred to me that there is value in considering these 3 impacts in the network marketing process.

The horsemen definitely lead to suffering and angst and yet they must remain a part of the activity of building networks because removing them stops the process while embracing or even magifying their effects can have huge entrepreneurial outcomes.

So let’s look more closely at the psychic horsemen and how they affect our mental baggage:

Running your primary opportunity is a creative exercise. Network marketing is full of uncertainty and exposure to criticism and this is where the risk arises. There is also risk in starting any investment in your future (one of financial and time freedom) and not continuing, possibly even abandoning it before that breakthrough that propels you to success. Remember that you only generally need a small number of leaders who can make you (and themselves) a fortune.

So where does the Uncertainty Horseman ride?

You may be uncertain of your ability to run an internet home based business. Think about this though. Generating network marketing leads is really more like being a tour guide. You are the messenger, not the message. Your mission, should you choose to accept it (and notice how every mission in MI is made possible through application of training in a stampede of Horsemen), your mission is merely to find those people around you who are open to a future of financial independence and time freedom. Sure, you can also reduce uncertainty by qualifying people as much as possible before starting the tour. No one likes to waste time and you will need to work with those who you do bring on so they need to meet your criteria for being in your team.

The Horseman of Risk rides in when you go out on a limb to invite someone you meet to take the tour. In my opportunity, the risk is mitigated by the benefits our product delivers even if people do not go for the business. You have two bites at the cherry (or Kakadu plum in my case) in effect. This is why I lead with the business and pre-qualify an interest in better health and an awareness of the size and growth rate of the wellness industry. Look around you and the news is all about rising obesity rates; higher incidences of diabetes; diseases of nutrition starting in younger age groups every day. We can change this. We can help others help others to help themselves. Leveraging reduces risk and this business is all about other people’s inputs.

Then there’s the third Horseman; that of the Exposure to Criticism.

The way I see it is that if you run with the herd because you fear what is said about you if you choose another path, then you’ll never get ahead. We need to stretch out. Try things. Learn. A major benefit of this network marketing industry is the growth in your personal development over time. We need to acquire information, master tools, create new ways of thinking, an attitude of can-do, even the passion for a higher quality life or we stay with the herd. Perhaps you could even measure how well you are doing by the noise of this Horseman’s hooves. The louder the criticism the better you are doing.

So no matter what your home based business ideas are, ride with the Horsemen. Channel their energy and feel your own strength grow. Understand their relevance and use the initial trepidation to build your own character as you leave the herd and embark on the path to your own success. Besides. if there are only 3 Horsemen, how hard can it be?

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About Vic Cherikoff

My passion is for Australian wild foods and their outstanding nutritional value and flavors. One of my companies supplies chefs, manufacturers and foodies with wild food ingredients as we slowly develop a uniquely Australian cuisine based on these incredible foods. I also market and promote a natural antimicrobial (Herbal-Active) for food and cosmetic uses, a fruit and vegetable dipping solution called Fresher4Longer and which extends the shelf life of fresh produce (and a lot more). And I invented flavor-infused BBQ Skewers which are a great way to add delightful seasonings to anything you grill. Learn more at Another company of mine markets and promoters a nutritional beverage based on Australian wild foods. I am about to launch a crowd-funding proposal to take this product global so please subscribe at and I'll keep you updated. It will be the biggest thing for your ideal health around.
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