The perfect time for network marketing is now

Well we made it.

A New Year with all it promises. I hope that Santa brought you what you most wanted and that you are now ready to embrace your network marketing opportunity and change your life financially, health-wise and with the aim of having more free time and a life well lived.

While my blog is generally aimed at any network marketing opportunity, this entry is a call to those readers or visitors who may be looking for a new part-time business for themselves. Sure, if you are already in an MLM that suits you and your style then fine. I hope that you’ll still get something from what I write.

I’d like to have you contemplate your life from this point on and I’ll use the example as it is relevant to those people living in Australia or North America but even Europe could be included. Our circumstances are similar at this time.

Fiscal cliffs, falling home prices and equity values, recessionary trends or slow economic growth – all mean tougher times for 2013. But what’s really at stake here?

Most of us live life a day at a time and we take our future for granted. It’s sort of an open-ended deal so wasting an hour or a day or a weekend doesn’t seem to matter. Or does it?

Consider the following table which assumes a life expectancy of 80 for males and 85 for females (as a regular consumer of the product of my primary opportunity, you’d have to expect more than the statistical morbidity). These are the figures for Australia and they would be around 3% less for Americans who die earlier due to their poorer nutrition.

30 year olds 40 year olds 50 year olds 60 year olds 70 year olds
Males 2600 2080 1560 1040 520
Females 2860 2340 1820 1300 780

These are the number of weekends that you can expect to have left in your life, foregoing accidents.

Chillingly finite, aren’t they?

Can you afford to waste even one? Doesn’t this make the days of your life more important, more valuable?

What do you wish to achieve before your time is up? What difference will you make and what legacy will you leave?

Think of your unique skills, experience, knowledge and how others can benefit from your communication of these? It is often said that a major consequence of Network Marketing is the personal development that happens as a result of setting up a business under the guidance of those who have done it before. Growing your business means focus, clarity and persistence to your desired goals. Achieving financial and time freedom is more than just doing it. It relies on learned skills, which while simple, are essential and their application in a consistent, methodical and strategic way can quite quickly lead to your preferred outcome. (Ray Higdon blogs about his 6-7 months of massive effort finally grossing his first $40,000 month income – see

Now it is a matter for you to set the importance of this task. Many people tip-toe from birth to death with almost no ripple on the fabric of human existence apart from their consumption of our limited resources. Think of the value of life in countries where the population is in the billions. Think of the people who have come and gone and who we’ll never know or even appreciate for their contribution. Obviously, the poorer these people, the less we can expect to know of them. There’s a mass of humanity that’s born, lives, loves and dies with not even a whimper let alone a bang (thanks TS Eliot).

In the West, we tend to hope that we can make a difference. We must or life is less lived. You can choose from this point on, just how you will impact the future of humankind. The more significant your impact, the more the imperative to start and the higher your personal goals need to be. Perhaps your New Year plans need to focus on your ideas of this personal outcome. For what will your family name be remembered?

I’m sure you appreciate that there will be a sacrifice to be made on your part. Nothing great has ever come without effort. You will need to acquire those skills I mentioned, build your power to positively and honorably influence others and generate the drive to achieve your goals of financial and time freedom. With these outcomes, we are far more able to make a difference in the world so isn’t it almost our duty to get there? Network marketing can be the conduit to these results.

Can I depend on your commitment?

Sure. I know some of my team are just taking our product for their health. But are we not charged with at least sharing our experiences and the benefits we have received from knowing about and taking our unique formulation regularly? You may not want to build a business and that’s fine too. But how about passing on leads to your upline so that the net value of our product to the world is better realized?

Our health as an enterprise depends on reaching out to a growing number of people who gain from our product. We help those people directly and also help our suppliers and you, our distributors who are core to the structure.

Will you help our cause in 2013?

Pass on contacts. Build your circle of influence. Grow your network. This is a way to make a difference. You are significant. And we need your help.

If you want more information or to get started, please email me and I’ll help you all the way.

Also, if you are already working your business and need to generate leads, I have found a very successful way to do this on-line. Have a look at this site and take the tour. It will be the best investment of your time ever. After watching this 29 minute movie you will understand the truth about HOW the top earners in our industry are pulling in 6, multi-6 and even 7-figures per year with a simple blueprint because of ONE simple equation …

Click here to watch it now:

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About Vic Cherikoff

My passion is for Australian wild foods and their outstanding nutritional value and flavors. One of my companies supplies chefs, manufacturers and foodies with wild food ingredients as we slowly develop a uniquely Australian cuisine based on these incredible foods. I also market and promote a natural antimicrobial (Herbal-Active) for food and cosmetic uses, a fruit and vegetable dipping solution called Fresher4Longer and which extends the shelf life of fresh produce (and a lot more). And I invented flavor-infused BBQ Skewers which are a great way to add delightful seasonings to anything you grill. Learn more at Another company of mine markets and promoters a nutritional beverage based on Australian wild foods. I am about to launch a crowd-funding proposal to take this product global so please subscribe at and I'll keep you updated. It will be the biggest thing for your ideal health around.
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