Monthly Archives: April 2012

Small Steps to Big Outcomes

I know a lot of people are struggling with their lives at the moment. Finances are tight and this can have an impact on relationships, personal fulfilment and health and leads to frustration and stress. You dread each coming month … Continue reading

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Life is often about ….. Timing

I read and recommend The Daily Reckoning (see link at the end of this page) by Dan Denning of Port Philip Publishing and recently he addressed some real questions on why people fail to act when doing nothing can severely … Continue reading

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Here’s a social media platform that pays you for building community

Network marketers network. Sorry for stating the blatantly obvious but I wanted to present some thoughts on how we network and how we expand our reach. So this blog is about lead generation. Advertisement———————————————————————————————————————————————————— I recently investigated a new and … Continue reading

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Building a Big Business … One Step at a Time

The title of this blog comes from an article by Master Networker, Randy Gage and which appeared as a feature in a 1998 edition of Upline magazine. It’s still a good idea. Randy had an interesting strategy which he applied … Continue reading

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Make love, not war – Is prospecting offering solutions or preparing for battle?

I recently read a post by a network marketer who described their system of training prospects. They advised their downline to arm themselves to the teeth with an arsenal of literature and promotional tools and to go forth and make … Continue reading

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